Academic background&position
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Major papers
1. [SCIE] Comparative RNA-Seq Analysis Revealed Tissue-Specific Splicing Variations during the Generation of the PDX Model [INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES] - 2023-11-30
2. [SCIE] RNA Editing Enzyme ADAR1 Suppresses the Mobility of Cancer Cells via ARPIN [MOLECULES AND CELLS] - 2023-06-30
3. [SCIE] Prediction the clinical EPR effect of nanoparticles in patient-derived xenograft models [JOURNAL OF CONTROLLED RELEASE] - 2022-11-01
4. [SCIE] Antibody-mediated blockade for galectin-3 binding protein in tumor secretome abrogates PDAC metastasis [PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA] - 2022-07-26
5. [SCIE] Exosome as a Delivery Vehicle for Cancer Therapy [CELLS] - 2022-01-18
Laboratory of Integrative Oncolomics; LIO
a. Research performance of the lab
Our group is one of the fastest growing group in University of Ulsan (College of Medicine), conducting biomedical science in cancer biology field. Since 2012 Dec when the lab is open, we have conducted (or conducting) 7 national grant and 4 internal grant from Asan Medical Center. By far, we have published 20 papers since 2013, all in the SCI(E) journal, and filed five patents. Fro our lab, there are two M.S. students graduated and both of them have pursued their career in the same lab. We also presented about 30 posters in AACR, JCA, KSBMB and KSMCB, Korean Metabolomics Society and Korean Cancer Association conferences. Dr. Chang is actively contributing to the field as a member of these academic associations and as an editor in JMB. Also, he reviews a number of papers from Cancer Letters, FEBS letters, JBC (Journal of Breast Cancer) and Plos One.
b. Research facilities and equipment
Our lab is located at Asan Medical Center along with Asan Institute of Life Sciences, right next to the College of Medicine. This research complex provide very strong infrastructure for the biomedical sciences. For example, we have AAALAC accredited animal facility and top level of core lab. including genomics, metabolomics, confocal microscopy, FACS, optical imaging, HTS and proteomics core. These core provides various experimental platform in affordable price, facilitating out research and connects researchers in the research complex. Moreover, we have common equipment room on every floor of the building that includes real-time PCR, Cryostat, LAS imaging system, High speed centrifuge, Luminometer and fluorescence microscope. These equipment are open 24 hours so that allow no delay for the research activity.
c. Key technologies of the lab
Myself and Our group have studied BRCA1 for 10 years. In addition to the ES cell based assay available in the FPI lab, we have developed BRCA1 related assay system including reporter assay of the UTR or promoter, target gene real time PCR, ChIP (Chromatin immunoprecipitation) and western blot for the BRCA1 itself. All of these biochemical techniques will be used in this project as well. Also, we have introduced cell culture system consists of breast cancer cell line (MDA-MB-231, MDA-MB-468, MDA-MB-436, MCF7, MCF10A and BT474) as well as primary culture of the breast tumors. So far, we have established 5 primary cultures with TNBC phenotype.
Alternatively, we are developing an E3 ligase assay of BRCA1/BARD1 heterodimer. By using bacteria expressed RING domain fragments of the two proteins, we will study the enzymatic activity of BRCA1 variants including L52F and I26A. We also are generating CRISPR-Cas9 knock-in MCF10A cells with the help of Dr. Yong sup Kim. This will be one of our key technique once it is established.
d. Networking with national and international S&T communities
We are participating in the KSBMB conference twice a year, presenting 5-6 posters in every conference and actively discuss our results with other experts. We also join to other conferences and associations like Korean Cancer Association, Korean Metabolomics Society, KoHBRA (Korean Hereditary Breast Cancer). Internationally, we presented our work in AACR, IBCS (International Breast Cancer Society) and JCA conferences (one of our JCA presentation awarded in the poster session).
In addition to a collaboration with Dr. Shyam’s lab, we also are setting up a collaborative work with Dr. Lothar Henninghausen, a renowned scientist in the NIDDK. We are conducting a project regarding cancer genomics in triple negative breast cancer. On the other hand, our group also started a collaborative work with Dr. Akimitsu Okamoto in Kyoto university, who is an expert in molecular imaging. We aim to visualize a biochemical event called RNA editing in cancer and understand its molecular dynamics through this collaboration
Collaboration with industries
Through joining the multi-center grant, we have contacted several biocompanies. They includes SK chemical, Metabio, Inc. and CMG chemicals. Although current collaboration is focused on the pancreatic cancer research, we expect to expand this collaboration to the breast cancer field once we develop a applicable item.
e. Cultivation of researchers
There are seven students in LIO. Three of them are international, one from Vietnam and the other wto from China. So far, there has been three students graduated from our lab. Two of them majored in cancer biology and decided to continue their career in our lab. We have one M.S. course student and two Ph.D. students who will graduate this year. To facilitate international communication, we are going to accept another student from other countries. this year. On the other hand, we have a research professor who has been developing her career and one M.S. course candidate who will apply to our lab on Sep. Lastly, we have one M.D. researchers in the lab. He is in Ph.D. course, pursuing his career in translational research. By performing top-class science with international collaborations, these people will have more chances to join these project and learn more, which in turn help them to have wider view for the cancer biology.