[special lecture] Daring to Become (도전의 즐거움) |
Lecturer Yeti Kim(김예리) |
Host 울산의대 |
Date 2023-05-30(TUE) |
Place ZOOM |
울산의대 주최로 의대 학부생 및 대학원생을 대상으로 다음과 같이 특강을 진행하고자 하니 많은 참석 부탁드립니다.
1. 일시 : 2023. 5.30(화) 18:00~ 2. 강사 : Yeti Kim(김예리) 3. 대상자 및 참가인원 : 울산의대 학부생, 대학원생(참가인원 제한 없음) 3. 주제 : Daring to Become (도전의 즐거움) 4. 내용 My own career path over the last 10 years has taken me across industries (consulting, start-ups, and education) and geographies (Korea, US, Southeast Asia) in a way that has been full of new challenges that required me to reinvent myself constantly. In the face of a rapidly changing world and increasing uncertainty, I want to share some experiences and reflections from my own career journey: motivations, setbacks, and learnings. I believe that now, more than ever, it is important and joyful to embrace a life-long journey of learning and becoming. 5. 강사 소개(Speaker Bio) Yeti Khim is passionate about applying herself at the intersection of technology and social entrepreneurship to amplify human potential. She fell in love with technology’s outsized impact as a founding member of the business operations team at Dropbox. She then moved to Indonesia as Vice President at Gojek, where she scaled Gofood into one of the largest food delivery platforms globally (over $1Bn in revenues), with a mission to democratize entrepreneurship. Subsequently, she was recruited by the Minister of Education in Indonesia to become the Chief Product Officer and founded the GovTech product innovation team (now 400 talents) and worked with the ministry to build and launch technologies to realize a more equitable, student-centric education system. Yeti completed her Bachelor of Arts at Swarthmore College (2010) and is currently pursuing a joint MPA & MBA degree at the Harvard Kennedy School and the MIT Sloan School of Management (2024).
6. 참가 방법 : ZOOM - ZOOM 참가 주소 : - 회의 ID : 869 8079 4323 - 비번 : 600641
7. 기타사항 - 의과학과 졸업요건 중 '원내 개최 세미나 참석' 에 해당되며, 참석 후 자유양식의 Summary를 메일로 제출하면 1회 참석 인정함 |
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