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    Scholarships & Grants

    • Academic Scholarships
    • Research scholarships
    • Overseas Conference Grants
    • Reduction of Medical Expenses
    Academic Scholarships
    AMIST Academic Scholarships
    Academic Scholarships
    • Qualifications: Of combined master's and doctoral program or a doctoral program students, those who earned six credits in their requirements during the previous semester, achieving excellent academic performance
    • Living expense support: 800,000 won, monthly, per person
    • Dormitory fee support: 900,000 won, each semester, per person
    • ※ For Academic scholarships / (Scholarship S), no separate application is required. Automatically awarded based on the student's grades or his advisor's research capabilities.
    Research scholarships
    AMIST Research scholarships
    Research scholarships
    • Qualifications: Current students and degree candidates majoring medicine, who published and presented their papers in SCI(E) level journals as the first author (including e-Pub)
    • Graded payment in accordance with Impact Factor (IF) is made at the end of the semester.
    Overseas Conference Grants
    AMIST Overseas Conference Grants
    Classification Details
    Eligibility - The graduate school students of Medical Science or Biomedical Engineering major
    - Doctoral degree candidates who registered for thesis research after completing Doctoral programs of Medical Science / Biomedical Engineering
    Qualifications - Once a year, per person
    - Overseas conference held in the United States and European countries
    - Oral or poster presentation as the first author
    - The adviser professor of the student is included as a corresponding author.
    Amounts & Items - A maximum of 1,500,000 won (Reimbursed after conference attendance)
    - Applicable fees: Conference registration, airfares, accommodation, meals (a standard of travel expenses for public officials applied)
    Application 1) Documents to be submitted
    Application documents for an overseas conference, acceptance letter for oral or poster presentation, an abstract of the paper accepted for oral (poster) presentation
    2) Application Period
    30 days prior to the conference
    Settlement 1) Apply after conference attendance
    2) Documents to be submitted - A copy of the passport, a copy of the passport with an immigration check, a program list containing the name and dates of the conference, an abstract of the paper for oral (poster) presentation
    - Submit the original receipt (The sum total should be below the amount of the fund) Conference registration, accommodation and meals, the receipt for the airline ticket and original boarding pass
    (Redundancy settlement with research funding is prohibited.)
    3) Submission deadline
    Within 30 days after conference attendance
    Funds Educational expenditure (Graduate School of Medicine operating expenditures)
    Payment time Effective from June, 2017 (Applied retroactively from March of 2017)
    Reduction of Medical Expenses
    Reduction of medical expenses at AMIST
    Reduction of Medical Expenses
    • Eligibility: Full time graduate school students majoring in Biomedical science / Biomedical engineering
    • Amounts: Equivalent to those of medicine majors
    • Procedure: Pay medical expenses first, submit required documents to the school and then support funds will be deposited to your account by calculating the reduction rates for each case.