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  • ENG. KOR.


    Vision & Mission

    Established on the basis of the founding philosophy of fostering advanced technical manpower for national basic industries and democratic citizens contributing to the development of our country and community, AMIST has set ‘truth’, ‘independence’, and ‘service’ as its motto, and made the following goals to foster qualified individuals as ‘creative researcher’, ‘independent intellectual,’ and ‘competent professionals.’
    Creative Researcher(Truth)

    Acquiring advanced knowledge

    Help students actively adapt to new fields of learning with the advanced education for knowledge in their respective field.

    Independent intellectual(Independence)

    Increasing research capability

    Encourage students to lead a knowledge-based society by improving research capability through experimenting spirit and creativity.

    Enhancement of innovative capability

    Help students to pursue continuing self-innovation and actively confront the changes of future society.

    Competent Professionals(Service)

    Cultivation of a global mind

    Foster global individuals who can actively confront the trend of globalization, localization, and informatization.

    Building field application skills for advanced knowledge

    Help students apply their advanced knowledge to industrial fields under the specific circumstances of our community based on heavy chemical industry.

    Contribution to national and regional community development

    Encourage students to have cooperative spirits and a sense of obligation so that they can contribute to the development of cultures of our nation and community.