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    Dear AMIST family!
    Welcome to the website of Asan Medical Institute of Convergence Science and Technology (AMIST). On March 2, 2018, AMIST was born to contribute to the health and happiness of mankind by educating great talent in the medical science field of rapidly changing times.

    The 21st century we live in has passed through the era of the most rapid change of scientific civilization of human culture. The technologic revolution, in other words, the fourth industrial revolution, is leading our lives beyond imagination. Alongside, the development of medical science studying human phenomena and medicine is also developing rapidly. The fourth industrial revolution is constantly demanding creativity and innovation. The amazing change in the world, the revolution has shown so far, is led by the spirit of creativity and innovation, and the amazing energy of this change is based on the great cultural exchange of convergence: the convergence of science and humanities, medicine and pure science, the different generations, cultures, and so on.

    The development of medical science that we study is inevitably demanding the change and creation in correlation with these fast changing times. Based on this mission of times, AMIST was born as a place of learning for researchers currently majoring or to be majoring in medical science.

    AMIST born from the support of College of Medicine of the University of Ulsan and Asan Medical Center with the world-class medical technology promises to provide all the support for medical researchers who devote their passion to the research for the happiness of mankind. We promise to be the world’s best graduate school of Medical Institute of Convergence Science and Technology.

    We wish you can let your passion and hopes run free in AMIST.