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    Tuition & Scholarships

    • Tuition fees by major
    • Scholarship programs by major
    • College scholarship programs
    • Student welfare and supports for biomedical science·biomedical engineering majors
    Tuition fees by major
    Tuition fees by major
    Title of majors Entrance fee
    (Charged once when admitted, Pay separately apart from scholarships)
    Tuition fees Thesis research registration fees
    (charged one time before obtaining a degree after completing programs)
    Department of Medicine Medicine 732,000 won 6,339,000 won 20% of tuition fees
    Department of Medical Science Medical Science 732,000 won 5,112,000 won
    Biomedical Engineering 732,000 won 5,112,000 won
    Translational Medicine 732,000 won 6,339,000 won
    - The entrance fee and tuition fee are set as of March 2017, and is subject to change
    Scholarship programs by major
    Scholarship programs by major
    01 Department of Medicine
    Medicine major / Translational medicine major

    01 Scholarships for Medicine
    • Application period: Mid March / Mid September each semester
    • Scholarship payment standard: Designated amounts to those students who submit a scholarship application form, after screening their qualifications.
    • Required documents: An application form of scholarships for medicine, a copy of bank book
    • Those excluded from scholarships: Students whose grade is lower than 3.0 or received an F in the previous semester.
    02 Department of Biomedical Science
    Biomedical science·Biomedical engineering major

    01 Regular scholarships (Scholarship A, Scholarship B)
    Scholarship A 100% of tuition fees (The college of medicine supports 15%)
    Scholarship B 65% of tuition fees (The college of medicine supports 15%)
    • Recipients: Full-time graduate students (GPA of 3.0 or higher in the previous semester)
    • Eligibility for Scholarship A
      1) Those who have completed 6 credits or more for Master's, 9 credits or more for Doctoral program in the previous semester
      2) Allocated up to 4 students per 1 advising professor (including Scholarship S and Premium scholarships)
      Selection standards: Allocated every semester based on the previous academic records (For freshmen: based on entrance exam records)
    • The number of the Scholarship A/B recipients is subject to change every semester.
    02 Academic scholarships (based on academic records) (Scholarship S)
    • Eligibility: Excellent students among those eligible for Scholarship A in the Doctoral program and a combined Master’s/Doctoral program (GPA of 4.0 or higher in the previous semester)
    • Selection standards: Based on grades in the previous semester and the professors' research performance. Recipients shall be selected each semester and supported for one semester.
    • Living cost support: 800,000 won per person/month (500,000 won/month during the first 4 semesters for the combined program students)
    • Dormitory fee support: 900,000 won per person/semester
    03 Research Scholarships (Paper Publishing Grant)
    • Eligibility: Graduate students majoring in biomedical science·biomedical engineering or doctorate candidates who registered for thesis research.
    • Qualifications: Those who published a paper in SCI(E) level journals as the first author, and whose adviser professors are included as a corresponding author.
    • Standards: Graded payment in accordance with the internal payment standards of medical school. (Based on IF, JCR%)
    College scholarship programs
    AMIST scholarship programs
    01 Scholarships for faculty spouses and children
    • Eligibility: UUCM regular faculty’s spouses and children
    • Benefits: Tuition fees

    ※ The payment standards and amount of scholarships are subject to change.

    02 Industry-University cooperation scholarships
    • Eligibility: Graduate students working for industries and operating their own businesses
    • Benefits: Tuition fees

    ※ The payment standards and amount of scholarships are subject to change.

    Student welfare and supports for Medical science·biomedical engineering majors
    Guide to student welfare and supports for Medical science·biomedical engineering majors
    01Medical expenses support
    • Eligibility: Full time students
    • Limited to medical treatments in Asan Medical Center. Supported based on the reduction rate of supporting guidelines of medical school faculty and student welfare benefits.

    ※ The payment standards and amount of scholarships are subject to change.

    02 Overseas conference grants
    • Eligibility: Students and doctoral candidates who made a poster or oral presentation as the first author in the overseas conferences in the United states and European countries
    • Grants: A maximum of 1,500,000 won per year for one person
    • Benefits: Airfare, accommodation, meals, conference registration fee, etc.
    • In the event of co-first authors. the grant will be awarded as 1/number of co-first authors.

    ※ The payment standards and amount of grants are subject to change.