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    Academic affairs

    • Register
    • Grades/ Graduation
    • Theses
    • Course
    AMIST Academic affairs & Registration change
    01 Registration

    01 Tuition payment
    • 1st Semester: February
    • 2nd Semester: August
    ※ Specific due dates will be noticed on the university website.
    02 Tuition bill printout & Tuition payment procedures
    1. 1. Tuition bill printout via online

      (1) Newly admitted students: UUCM Graduate school homepage (http://grad.ulsan.ac.kr) → Admissions → Regular admissions → Tuition bill printout

      (2) Current students: UWINS (http://uwins.ulsan.ac.kr) → Scholarships/Registration → Tuition bill printout from the Registration menu

    2. 2. Banks that accept payment & Payment method

      (1) Banks: Kyungnam Bank, KEB Hanabank, Nonghyup (all branches)

      (2) Payment method: Pay at the designated banks or account transfer to the virtual account 금

    3. 3. Payment in installments for current students

      (1) Application period: A separate period will be notified before registration

      (2) Application procedure: UWINS → Scholarships/Registration → Apply in the Registration → After printing the application form, submit to the accounting team of the university

      * Please check the notice (on the University homepage) and take the next step.

    03 Thesis Registration
    1. 1. Eligibility and Tuition fees

      If a degree candidates wishes to submit his/her thesis, he/she shall register for his/her thesis and the registration shall be done one time and valid until the semester for thesis examination. The fee shall be 1/5 of the regular tuition fee.

    2. 2. Payment procedures

      During the regular registration period, print the bill and pay from the menu UWINS (http://uwins.ulsan.ac.kr) → Scholarships/Registration →Registration

    04 Registration for those exceeding the given study duration required for completing a course of study
    1. 1. Registration

      Those who registered for the years required for graduation by school regulations but did not complete their course work for reasons of failure in earning the required credit or others shall register for an extra semester.

    2. 2. Tuition fees

      50% for 1 to 3 credits, full tuition for over 4 credits.

    3. 3. Payment procedures

      Print out the tuition bill via UWIN on the basis of the number of credits confirmed after the period of course change and pay the bill.

    02 Leave of Absence·Return

    The duration of a leave of absence may not exceed 2 semesters per one time. It is limited to 4 semesters for master’s and 6 semesters for the combined Master’s and Doctoral program.
    01 Application procedures
    1. UWINS → Registration change → Leave of Absence/Return
    2. Leave of Absence application & Confirmation
    3. Confirmation from Academic advisor and Department head
    4. Submission to the administration office of the graduate school
    02 Notes
    The duration of a leave of absence may not exceed 2 semesters per one time. It is limited to 4 semesters for master’s and 6 semesters for the combined Master’s and Doctoral program.
    03 Required documents
    • General leave of absence: A copy of Certificate of Discharge from military service for general leave of absence after discharged from military service.
    • Leave of absence for treatment of illness: A medical certificate stipulating a duration lasting at least four weeks.
    • Leave of absence for military service: A copy of notice of military enlistment/conscription.
    • Return after military service discharge: A copy of a certificate of discharge from military service or an abstract of the resident registration (certificate of military registration) (Upload the file at UWIN)
    • Leave of absence for pregnancy, childbirth, infant care: A certificate of pregnancy, childbirth or a family relation certificate.
    03Withdrawal·Removal from the student register

    01 Withdrawal
    ※Students who wish to give up registration due to illness, family affairs, and other inevitable circumstances may submit a voluntary withdrawal application and get his/her tuition fee refunded based on the tuition refund standards
    02 Application procedures
    Request for withdrawal from the graduate school → Consult the head of medicine dept. of the graduate school →​ Further consulting with the counseling professor if needed →​ Submit voluntary withdrawal application (UWINS; http://uwins.ulsan.ac.kr) → Student register change → Withdrawal / Removal → Voluntary withdrawal application → Submit to administrative office of graduate school after Academic adviser's approval (Signature) → Forward to the graduate school
    However, since the application will not be received after 3 weeks into the semester, fill in the form (Homepage bulletin board → download the form) and submit it to the academic affairs student team of medical school after obtaining your adviser's approval within the allowable period.
    Tuition Refunds
    The date of withdrawal Refund percentage
    Until the day before a semester starts (The day of entrance ceremony for freshmen) Full refund (including admission fee)
    Within 30 days after the semester begins 5/6 of the fee (Admission fee is non-refundable)
    Within 60 days after the semester begins 2/3 of the fee (Admission fee is non-refundable)
    Within 90 days after the semester begins 1/2 (Admission fee is non-refundable)
    After 90 days from the start of the semester No Refund
    ※ When students taking a leave of absence are to withdraw, their tuition will be refunded in accordance with the school's refund policy and the effective date will be the starting date of absence.
    03 Removal from the student register

    Students belonging to the following items will be removed from the student register according to the Graduate school constitution Article 16.

    1. Students who fail to register within the designated period every semester
    2. Students who fail to return within the registration period after their rationale for absence is no longer valid.
    3. Students who fail to complete all the required courses within the given study duration required for completing a course of study
    4. Students who are on academic probation (academic records 2.00 for the semester) 2 times for Master’s and 3 times for Doctorate program.
      Students under academic probation shall be removed from the student register in the event that they were readmitted after being removed.
    04 Refund of Tuition
    1. Tuition fees will be refunded to students who fail to return after registration according to the tuition refund policy on the basis of the date of their first leave of absence. .
    2. Tuition fees will be refunded to the student who died after registration according to the tuition refund policy on the basis of the date of death.
    04 Re-admission

    01 Eligibility
    Readmission is permitted to students who are to be readmitted after being removed and voluntary withdrawal; however, the school year for readmitted students shall not be above the one at the time of removal from the school register.
    Only when there is a vacancy in the student quota, it shall be permitted once for each applicant.
    The students who belong to the following criteria are not re-admitted;
    1) Students who failed to complete the required courses even after the given study duration required for completing a course of study.
    2) Students removed from the student register due to dismissal from the school through a disciplinary process
    02 Application period
    • January / July (within the designated period)
    • Application procedures

      Complete an application form for readmission → Submit the application(Administrative office of graduate school) → Department and college judgement → Approval of President → Readmission

    • Notes

      Students approved for readmission shall pay entrance fees as well as tuition fees. (Same as freshmen)

      Re-admission shall be canceled upon failure to pay tuition fees within the designated period.

      ※ Contact for more information: Administrative office of graduate school(052-259-2083)

    05 Personal information change

    01 Correction of Korean name and Resident registration number
    • Procedures : Submit to the administrative office (Main building 406) of graduate school after completing the request form for the Correction of Information in the School Register.
    • Required documents : A copy of the request form for the Correction of Information in the School Register, a copy of an abstract of resident registration.
    02 Correction of English name
    • Procedures

      UWINS → Student register change → Personal information → Information change → Correction of English name

    • English name writing method

      English name shall be written on the English certificate of a degree and a variety of other English certificates, which shall be official papers abroad. Therefore, the English name shall be the same as the one on the passport.

    • Example


    03 Student Address·Register change·Home phone·E-mail address correction
    • UWINS → Register change → Personal information → Personal information change → Save after correction
    04 Address change of the guardian
    • Procedures : Submit to the administrative office (main building 406) of graduate school after completing the form of guardian address change
    • Required documents : A copy of the request form for the Correction of Information in the School Register, a copy of an abstract of resident registration.
    ※ Via fax : Fax no. 052)259 - 2771 Check after sending.
    Grades/ Graduation
    Guide to AMIST Academic affairs Grades·Graduation
    01 Credit Transfer

    01 Eligibility
    • Students who completed Master’s program and exceeded required credits./li>
    • Students who dropped out of other graduate schools after obtaining credits.
    • Students who have credits obtained from a combined Bachelor's and Master's program but those credits are not included in the undergraduate records.
    02 Application period
    • At the beginning of every semester (further notice)
    03 Application form (Written form)
    • Bulletin board of Graduate school homepage → Download the form
    04 Submission
    • Academic affairs / Student team of Graduate School of Medicine
    05 Required documents
    • Required documents
    • A grade transcript
    • Students from universities abroad shall submit a certificate of completed credits from their original university(Bulletin board of graduate school homepage → Download the form)
    ※ Credits of thesis research and teaching courses will not be accredited.
    06 Related regulations
    Item 2 of Article 21 of the Graduate school Constitution (Credit transfer)
    1. 1) Credits that exceeded the required credits to complete the Master’s program shall be transferred to the Doctoral program up to a maximum of 6 credits, with the approval of the president.
    2. 2) Credits obtained by students who completed and dropped out from domestic or international graduate schools, can be transferred up to a maximum of 9 credits, with the approval of the president when applying for the same and similar major.
    3. 3) The total credits transferred in accordance with the above 1), 2) shall not exceed 9 credits for Doctoral program students.
    4. 4) Credits obtained from a combined Bachelor's and Master's program but not included for undergraduate graduation credits shall be recognized up to 6 credits for the Doctoral program.
    02 Graduation·Completion

    Time limit for course completion
    • Master’s program: 2 years (4 semesters)
    • Connected program of Bachelor’s and Master’s: 1.5 year (3 semesters)
    • Doctoral program: 2 years (4 semesters)
    • Combined program: 4 years (8 semesters)
    Guide to each program’s required credits for completion
    Classification Medicine Translational Medicine Medical Science/Biomedical Engineering Remarks
    Required credits Master's : 27 credits Doctoral : 36 credits Master's : 24 credits Required credits for doctoral program students with a Master’s degree of professional graduate school and special graduate school 42 credits (since 2015 academic year)
    Doctoral : 36credits Doctoral : 36credits
    1) Medicine major
    의학과 의학전공
    Programs Majors Corequisite and Major requirements Major electives Thesis research Credits required for graduation
    (Graduates of professional graduate school)
    Master's degree Medicine More than 18 credits (Corequisite: more than 9 /Major requirements: more than 9) More than 6 credits 3 27
    More than 21 credits (Corequisite: more than 9 + Major requirements: more than 9 + (Corequisite or Major requirements: 3) More than 6 credits 3 36 (42)
    2) Medical science/ Biomedical engineering majors admitted before 2017
    의학과 의학전공
    Programs Majors Corequisite and Major requirements Major electives Thesis research Credits required for graduation
    (Graduates of professional graduate school)
    Master's Medical Science/Biomedical Engineering More than 9 credits More than 6 credits 3 24
    More than 9 credits More than 6 credits 3 36 (42)
    3) Medical science / Biomedical engineering majors admitted after 2017
    의학과 의학전공
    Programs Majors Requirements
    (Corequisite, Major requirements)
    Major electives
    (*including thesis research credits)
    Credits required for graduation
    (Graduates of professional graduate school)
    Master's Medical Science/Biomedical Engineering More than 12 credits More than 6 credits 24
    More than 24 credits More than 6 credits 36 (42)
    • Thesis research credits (3 credits)

      - Requirements(Applicable one time from the 3th semester)

      - Credit acquisition (The total attendance since school entrance shall be applicable)

      1) Attending an academic paper writing class once for each of summer/ winter program: Separately scheduled

      2) Attending seminars held in Asan Medical Center: 10 times for Master's, more than 15 times for Doctoral candidates

      3) Attending the open presentation of Master’s or Doctoral thesis one time each (Except for his/her own presentation)

    03 Grade Checks

    • UWINS(http://uwins.ulsan.ac.kr) Grades/Graduation Evaluation of lectures and Grades inquiry
    • Check during the grade check period (see Academic calendar)
    04 Graduation requirements by each major
    Notice for Biomedical science / Biomedical engineering majors of the graduate school.(Students admitted before 2017)
    Departments General
    Programs Master’s programs Doctoral programs
    Required credits 24 credits 36 credits
    Major requirements credits 9 credits 9 credits
    Thesis research credits (3 credits) Optional

    -Applicable during the 4th semester
    -Credit acquisition (Total credits accumulated during the 4 semesters from the beginning of study)
    -Attending each of the open oral presentation of Master’s and Doctoral thesis one time (Except for his/her own presentation)

    Doctoral program students working for Ulsan University Hospital can replace Master’s presentation attendance with two times of attending doctoral thesis presentations if they cannot afford.

    Thesis registration if needed
    GPA 3.0 or higher
    English score 60 points 70 points (Autonomously)
    English test exemption TEPS 501 600
    TOEIC 600 700
    TOEFL(IBT) 62 76
    Major subjects examination 670 points or higher for 4 courses 4과목70점 이상
    Other education Research ethics
    Publishing a paper
    (Not required from 2017 students)
    - One piece of paper as the first author in a SCI(E) level journal
    (For only Medical science students)
    Publishing a paper in academic journals
    (Nor required from 2011 students)
    Not applicable
    Academic conference presentation
    (Poster or Oral)
    Optional Korean or English English
    Notice for Graduate School of Biomedical science / Biomedical engineering major (Students admitted in 2017)
    Department General Premium
    Programs Master’s Doctoral Master’s Doctoral
    Credits for completion 24 credits 36 credits 24 credits 36 credits
    (Corequisite and Major requirements)
    12 credits 24 credits 12 credits 24 credits
    Thesis research credits (3 credits) Requirements1

    Credit acquisition (Total credits accumulated during the 4 semesters from the beginning of study )

    1) Attendance of each of the Summer / Winter special courses for paper writing one time (Check the notice board for the schedule)

    2) Attendance of seminars held in Asan Medical Center
    ① More than 10 times for Master’s program students / More than 15 times for Doctoral program students
    ② Submission of summary after attendance(To Academic affairs / students team of Administrative office of graduate school)
    ③ Seminars to be admitted attendance: Seminars held in Asan Medical Center (Check the notice board of AsanNet)

    3) Attendance of open presentations of each master’s / doctoral thesis defense one time (Except for his/her own presentation)

    Thesis registration if needed Required
    GPA 3.0 or higher
    English score Autonomously (60 points) Autonomously (70 points) - -
    English test exemption TEPS 501 600 600 650
    TOEIC 625 755 755 810
    TOEFL(IBT) 71 86 86 93
    Major subject examinations 60 points for 3 courses 70 points for 4 courses 60 points or higher for 3 courses 70 points or higher for 4 courses
    higher higher
    Other education Research ethics Research ethics
    Paper publishing requirement2 - One piece of paper in SCI(E) level journals as the first author One piece of paper in SCI(E) level of journals as the first author or coauthor The first author of papers published in SCI(E) level journals (total IF 73 or more)
    2 pieces
    Interim presentation - - Requirements Requirements
    Academic conference presentation
    (poster or oral)
    Optional Requirements
    Language for paper writing Korean or English English
    • Students who benefited from Industry-University cooperation scholarships and graduate students majoring in biomedical science who work for Ulsan University Hospital will be exempted from the ‘Required’, and when taking thesis research courses, only item 3) will be the requirements.(Doctoral program students of biomedical science working for Ulsan University Hospital may attend two times of doctoral thesis presentations instead of Master’s thesis defense presentation if they can’t afford.)
    • As for co first authors, the number of papers published in journals and 1/n of IF shall be recognized, and for paper publishing in journals, publishment, online publishment, and publishment approval will be included.(only for premium course)
    • Publishment of 3 pieces of papers as the first author in SCI(E) level journals will be applicable. (Only for the doctoral program of premium biomedical engineering major)
    AMIST Academic affairs Theses
    01 Qualifying exam for thesis submission
    01 Eligibility
    Classification Foreign language examination Major subject examination Remarks
    Master’s 1. Registered for 2 semesters or more 1. earned 18 credits or more  
    2. 8 credits or more 2. GPA 3.0 or higher
      3. Registered for 3 semesters or more
    Doctoral 1. Registered for 2 semesters or more 1. earned 27 credits or more  
    2. 8 credits or mor 2. GPA 3.0 or higher
      3. Registered for 4 semesters or more
    02 Test Subjects and Test scores for pass
    Classification Course title Pass criteria Remarks
    Foreign language examinati English Master's : 60 points or higher  
    Doctoral : 70 points or higher
    Major subjects examination Master's : 3 subjects Master's : 60 points or higher  
    Doctoral : 4subjects Doctoral : 70 points or higher
    * Select from the subjects students have taken  
    * For foreign students of Master’s program and Doctoral program: Korean
    Foreign language (English) test exemption
    Major Medical science / Biomedical engineering / Translational medicine
    Time of admission Before 2017 2017 After 2018
    (+A person who submits a consent form to raise graduation requirements)
    Process Master’s Doctoral General Premium Master’s Doctoral, Combined
    Master’s Doctoral Master’s Doctoral
    TOEIC 600 700 625 755 755 810 700 770
    IBT TOEFL 62 76 71 86 86 93 80 87
    TEPS (new TEPS) 501
    03 Application (Written form)
    • Master’s program: 2 years (4 semesters)
    • Connected program of Bachelor’s and Master’s: 1.5 year (3 semesters)
    • Doctoral program: 2 years (4 semesters)
    • Combined program: 4 years (8 semesters)
    02 Theses examination
    Examination process
    Upload the thesis proposal on UWINS and submit the printout along with thesis examination application form​ → Preliminary examination → Apply for final thesis examination(thesis defense) → Open presentation of thesis → Final examination of thesis → Submit the result of final thesis examination (Thesis defense) → Submission of thesis (printed version​)
    Qualifications of thesis examination
    Guide to credit acquisition for each program
    Master’s Doctoral
    Registration for a minimum period of school years required for graduation Registration for a minimum period of school years required for graduation
    Pass the qualifying exam for thesis submission 논Pass the qualifying exam for thesis submission
    Complete research ethics education Complete research ethics education
    01 Submission of thesis proposal

    1) Eligibility : Students who completed thesis registration among those who finished their 4th semester of Master’s / Doctoral programs; Students who meet the requirements of graduation for medicine / biomedical science / biomedical engineering majors.

    2) Submission period: Early March / Early September

    3) Procedures: UWINS (http://uwins.ulsan.ac.kr) Grades/Graduation → Graduation examination (Graduate school) → Upload and print thesis proposal and then submit to academic affairs / students team of administrative office of graduate school, with the academic adviser’s signature signed.

    Final thesis examination (Thesis defense)
    1) Application period: Late April / Late October
    2) Application procedures
    • UWINS → Grades/Graduation → Graduation qualification exam (Graduate school) → Thesis examination application → Enter thesis title and thesis examiners (Handwriting for external examiners) → Print out the approval letter of thesis submission, Thesis examination fee payment bill, External examiner reference letter → Payment of thesis examination fee (KEBHana bank Seoul college of medicine branch): Master 150,000 won, Doctor 600,000 won
    3) Examiners
    • The committee shall consist of three masters and five doctors who are full-time faculty of the University.
    • One of the five faculty examiners shall be invited from outside of the University.
    • The external examiner shall be equivalent to the qualifications of the University examiners, with a Doctor’s degree or an equivalent qualification.
    • Academic adviser shall not have the role of chair examiner.
    • Inevitably adjunct professors such as clinical professors and research professors may be recognized as internal examiner, but they shall be accompanied with a reference letter of an external examiner and personal information (for thesis defense) separately. (However, non-full-time faculty examiners for Master’s / Doctoral thesis examination shall have a doctor degree or an equivalent qualification.)
    4) Required documents
    • A copy of the approval letter of thesis submission
    • A copy of the reference letter of external examiners (No need to submit if already submitted when applying for thesis examination
    • Korean abstract (For examiners' reference while open presentation): Submit the file by mail.
    5) Submit to : Academic affairs/students team, administrative office of graduate school.
    6) Submission of thesis draft : Each student shall submit his/her thesis draft to examiners. (The draft shall have the format of a thesis)
    03 Open presentation of a thesis
    Students who submit their theses shall give more than one time of presentation in the open presentation sessions hosted by the department.
    1) Students majoring in medicine in their Master’s / Doctoral programs shall give a presentation in the presence of all internal examiners (UUCM faculty) and the chief professors of each department attending.
    (If there are too many students of internal medicine / surgery departments, the advisor professor or the section chief may take the place.)
    2) Students majoring in medical science / biomedical engineering in the Master’s program will make the presentation separately at the graduate school.
    3)Students majoring in medical science / biomedical engineering in the Doctoral program shall give an open presentation in the presence of all examiners (including external examiners).
    4) Students shall keep the designated time for their presentations; if absent, they will fail to pass.
    5) Presentation period: Mid May / Mid November
    04 Submission of an examination result report and printed version of thesis
    The head of thesis examiners entering the result on UWINS and printing out →​ Taking signatures of examiners → Collecting individual report of each examiner → The chair of thesis examiners submitting the result reports to the academic affairs / students team of administrative office of the graduate school of medicine.
    Submission of the printed version of thesis
    1) Master’s and doctoral programs: 5 copies of the printed version with examiners' signatures for each
    2) A consent form for citation, A confirmation slip for submission: Printing out after uploading the electronic thesis on the homepage of the University library.
    3)  Submit to: Academic affairs/students team, graduate school of college of medicine/div>
    03 Maximum time periods for thesis submission

    Master’s degree : Within 5 years from the date of completing their degree programs.

    Doctoral and combined degree : Within 7 years from the date of completing their degree programs.

    • Students who do not submit their theses within the time limits may extend the deadline for maximum 3 years for one time only.
    • Application period : During the final semester of their time limits (June for 1st semester, December for 2nd semester) For example, if you must submit your thesis by 2nd semester of 2012, you must submit the application form to extend the deadline during December of 2012.
    • Application procedures : Completing the application form (from the bulletin board of graduate school homepage → Download the form), obtaining signature from the adviser professor and submitting it to the academic affairs/students team of the administrative office of graduate school.
    04 Thesis advisor appointment
    01 Qualifications of a thesis advisor

    Full-time teaching faculty with the position of an assistant professor or higher of UUCM in principle. (However, only the teaching faculty with a doctorate shall take on the position of thesis advisor.)

    02 Co-advisors of thesis

    1) Up to two co-advisors for each student shall be appointed for thesis writing and academic advising.

    2) A co-advisor shall be appointed by a head of the department with recommendation of the thesis advisor, The qualification of the co-advisor is equivalent to that of a thesis advisor.

    3) A co-advisor shall be appointed in the event that the appointed thesis advisor does not qualify for the position of thesis advisor.

    03 Appointment procedures
    Decide a thesis advisor after going through discussions by each major → The appointed advisor's signing on the acceptance sheet → Submit it to the graduate school via the head professor of the department the student belongs to.
    Medical Science / Biomedical engineering공
    The professor who recommended the student when admitted shall become the advisor. After obtaining a signature from the advisor for the approval sheet, submit it to the graduate school.
    Translational medicine
    The professor who recommended the student when admitted shall become the advisor.(But, a clinical professor and the advisor professor shall be matched to be co-advisors.) After obtaining a signature from the advisor for the approval sheet, submit it to the graduate school.
    04 Submission period
    The first week of March or September.
    05 Advisor change
    Students who want to change their advisors shall submit the advisor change request form to the graduate school.
    05 Completion of the research ethics education
    01 Educational goals

    By offering research ethics education, some mis-behaviors concerning thesis writing such as thesis plagiarism and overlapping publications may be preventable beforehand.

    02 Target

    Graduate school students who prepare for theses.

    • According to the general graduate school regulations, students shall complete the research ethics education to be qualified to write their theses (for students entered after 2014).
    03 Requirements of each program (for students entered after 2014)
    • Master’s and Doctoral program: Complete research ethics education one time or more
    • Master’s and Doctoral combined program: Complete research ethics courses two times or more
    Issuance and printout of the certificate of completion → Submit to the academic affairs / Students team of graduate school (two times a year, further notice)
    04 Procedures of completing research ethics education
    1) Korean version
    Online lecture site: http://e.kird.re.kr (Korea institute of science and technology) → Login → Take lectures → Issuance of a completion certificate
    2) English version
    Online lecture site: http://www.citikorea.org → Login → Take lectures → Issuance of a completion certificate
    ※ KIRD (Korea institute of science and technology) for Korean, and CITIKOREA for international students are recommended.
    ※ Students who submitted the certificate of completion to the academic affairs / students team shall be recognized as the ones who completed the education.
    05 Contacts for more information
    • Course offerings : Kim Taeyong in Research supporting team (052-259-1893, irbkty@ulsan.ac.kr)
    • Graduate school regulations : Park Jungok in academic administrative office of general graduate school (052-259-2083)
    AMIST Academic Affairs / Course Information
    01 Course Registration
    01 Registration periodv>

    February / August

    02 Course registration process
    UWINS (http://uwins.ulsan.ac.kr) → Curriculum/Courses → Course Information → Course Registration (Graduate School)
    1)Selecting the major from major manu, click the [Enrollment] button on the right of the course when core courses are listed.
    2)Check the registered course and the time.
    3)After completing course registration, click and print out [Course Registration Confirmation]
    4)After checking the registered courses appearing on the registration form, submit the form signed by your advisor and you to the graduate school.
    03 Course change period
    • The 1st week of March / The 1st week of September
    04 Submission of Course Registration Confirmation
    • Completing course registration or course changes, print out the form and submit it to the student team of academic affairs office in the graduate school after obtaining your academic advisor's signature.
    05 Notes about course registration
    1) Credit cancellation is not allowed (starting from 2015 students)
    2) There is possibility of discrepancy in the class room/time posted on the UWINS, so course registration should be completed with reference to course offerings (Excel file), posted separately (Homepage, mail, etc.)
    3) A maximum of 12 credits per semester.
    4) A maximum of 12 credits per semester.
    5) The thesis research course can be taken only after successfully completing the 4th semester. This course is for thesis writing with individual guidance of an academic advisor.
    6) The course specified as “Ulsan” is offered at Ulsan University Hospital.