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    김재광 교수

    Major 정형외과학(수부질환)

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    E-mail orth4535@gmail.com


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    1. [SCIE] Cancellous bone graft from the distal radius and headless screw fixation for unstable scaphoid waist nonunion [INTERNATIONAL ORTHOPAEDICS] - 2024-02-01
    2. [SCIE] Modified Wassel-Flatt Type III Radial Polydactyly: Subtypes and Their Outcomes [JOURNAL OF HAND SURGERY-AMERICAN VOLUME] - 2024-01-01
    3. [SCIE] Changes in flexor pollicis longus tendon cross-sectional dimensions after A1 pulley release for paediatric trigger thumb [Journal of Hand Surgery-European Volume] - 2023-12-01
    4. [SCIE] Mechanisms of Wharton’s Jelly?derived MSCs in enhancing peripheral nerve regeneration [SCIENTIFIC REPORTS] - 2023-12-01
    5. [SCIE] A novel classification of Kienbock’s disease based on magnetic resonance imaging [INTERNATIONAL ORTHOPAEDICS] - 2023-08-01