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    Faculty Search

    유달산 교수

    Major 비뇨기과학(비뇨기종양)

    Position 교수

    E-mail dalsanyou@amc.seoul.kr


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    Academic background&position

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    1. [SCIE] Therapeutic Effect of Three-Dimensional Cultured Adipose-Derived Stem Cell-Conditioned Medium in Renal Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury [International Journal of Stem cells] - 2023-05-30
    2. [SCIE] Laparoscopic renal surgery using multi degree-of-freedom articulating laparoscopic instruments in a porcine model [Investigative and Clinical Urology] - 2023-01-01
    3. [SCIE] Therapeutic Effect of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cell-Conditioned Medium on Erectile Dysfunction [The World Journal of Men's Health] - 2022-10-01
    4. [SCIE] Comparison of Stromal Vascular Fraction and Adipose-Derived Stem Cells for Protection of Renal Function in a Rodent Model of Ischemic Acute Kidney Injury [STEM CELLS INTERNATIONAL] - 2022-05-06
    5. [SCIE] Solo-surgeon pure laparoscopic donor nephrectomy using passive camera holder: IDEAL stage 2a study [BMC UROLOGY] - 2022-03-25