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    Faculty Search

    김성훈 부교수

    Major 마취통증의학(통증의학)

    Position 부교수

    E-mail shkimans@amc.seoul.kr


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    Academic background&position

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    1. [SCIE] Internal and External Validation of Machine Learning Models for Predicting Acute Kidney Injury Following Non-Cardiac Surgery Using Open Datasets [Journal of Personalized Medicine] - 2024-05-30
    2. [SCIE] Correlations between heart sound components and hemodynamic variables [SCIENTIFIC REPORTS] - 2024-04-13
    3. [SCIE] Development of a Bispectral index score prediction model based on an interpretable deep learning algorithm [ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN MEDICINE] - 2023-09-01
    4. [SCIE] Tablet-Based Wearable Patch Sensor Design for Continuous Cardiovascular System Monitoring in Postoperative Settings [BIOSENSORS-BASEL] - 2023-06-04
    5. [SCIE] An interactive and realistic phantom for cricothyroidotomy simulation of a patient with obesity through a reusable design using 3D-printing and Arduino [COMPUTER METHODS AND PROGRAMS IN BIOMEDICINE] - 2023-05-01