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    E-mail jaekson@ulsan.ac.kr


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    1. [SCIE] Glutamine-mediated epigenetic regulation of cFLIP underlies resistance to TRAIL in pancreatic cancer [EXPERIMENTAL AND MOLECULAR MEDICINE] - 2024-04-30
    2. [SCIE] Vitamin C Suppresses Pancreatic Carcinogenesis through the Inhibition of Both Glucose Metabolism and Wnt Signaling [INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES] - 2022-10-14
    3. [SCIE] The CDK1/TFCP2L1/ID2 cascade offers a novel combination therapy strategy in a preclinical model of bladder cancer [EXPERIMENTAL AND MOLECULAR MEDICINE] - 2022-06-21
    4. [SCIE] BIX01294 inhibits EGFR signaling in EGFR-mutant lung adenocarcinoma cells through a BCKDHA-mediated reduction in the EGFR level [EXPERIMENTAL AND MOLECULAR MEDICINE] - 2021-12-07
    5. [SCIE] TFEB Supports Pancreatic Cancer Growth through the Transcriptional Regulation of Glutaminase [CANCERS] - 2021-01-27