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    Major 기초의학 전 분야(세포생물학)

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    E-mail pclee@amc.seoul.kr


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    1. [SCIE] IDF-11774 Induces Cell Cycle Arrest and Apoptosis by Inhibiting HIF-1α in Gastric Cancer [Pharmaceutics] - 2023-12-13
    2. [SCIE] Escherichia coli adhesion protein FimH exacerbates colitis via CD11b+CD103- dendritic cell activation [Frontiers in immunology] - 2023-11-22
    3. [SCIE] USP14 inhibition regulates tumorigenesis by inducing apoptosis in gastric cancer [BMB Reports] - 2023-08-31
    4. [SCIE] Lipid Nanocarrier-Based Drug Delivery Systems: Therapeutic Advances in the Treatment of Lung Cancer [INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NANOMEDICINE] - 2023-05-18
    5. [SCIE] Suppression of Lung Cancer Malignancy by Micellized siRNA through Cell Cycle Arrest [ADVANCED HEALTHCARE MATERIALS] - 2023-04-12