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    염미선 교수

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    E-mail yumyum99@hanmail.net


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    1. [SCIE] Specific inhibitor of Wnt/beta-catenin pathway can alter behavioral responses in young rats with malformed cortices [BEHAVIOURAL BRAIN RESEARCH] - 2024-03-05
    2. [SCIE] Deep learning-based, fully automated, pediatric brain segmentation [SCIENTIFIC REPORTS] - 2024-02-22
    3. [SCIE] Electrophysiological network predicts clinical response to vigabatrin in epileptic spasms [FRONTIERS IN NEUROLOGY] - 2023-06-23
    4. [SCIE] Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 Promotes Synaptogenesis Signaling, a Major Dysregulated Pathway in Malformation of Cortical Development, in a Rat Model [MOLECULAR NEUROBIOLOGY] - 2023-06-01
    5. [SCIE] Rapamycin Cannot Reduce Seizure Susceptibility in Infantile Rats with Malformations of Cortical Development Lacking mTORC1 Activation [MOLECULAR NEUROBIOLOGY] - 2022-12-01