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    명승재 교수

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    E-mail sjmyung@amc.seoul.kr


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    1. [SCIE] Adult-onset megacolon with focal hypoganglionosis: A detailed phenotyping and prospective cohort study [NEUROGASTROENTEROLOGY AND MOTILITY] - 2023-09-01
    2. [SCIE] Investigation of artificial intelligence integrated fluorescence endoscopy image analysis with indocyanine green for interpretation of precancerous lesions in colon cancer [PLoS One] - 2023-05-25
    3. [SCIE] Feasibility of moxifloxacin and proflavine dual fluorescence imaging for detecting gastrointestinal neoplastic lesions: A prospective study [LASERS IN SURGERY AND MEDICINE] - 2023-04-01
    4. [SCIE] Predicting Responsiveness to Biofeedback Therapy Using High-resolution Anorectal Manometry With Integrated Pressurized Volume [JOURNAL OF NEUROGASTROENTEROLOGY AND MOTILITY] - 2022-10-30
    5. [SCIE] Immune profile by multiplexed immunohistochemistry associated with recurrence after chemoradiation in rectal cancer. [JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY AND HEPATOLOGY] - 2022-03-01