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    E-mail sjpark@uuh.ulsan.kr

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    1. [SCIE] A nationwide study of regional preference and graft survival of kidney transplantation in South Korea: patterns of centralization in the capital area [ANNALS OF SURGICAL TREATMENT AND RESEARCH] - 2024-01-01
    2. [SCIE] Kidney Donation From a Patient Who Underwent Endovascular Aneurysm Repair [EXPERIMENTAL AND CLINICAL TRANSPLANTATION] - 2019-08-01
    3. [SCI] Outcomes of spontaneous isolated superior mesenteric artery dissection without antithrombotic use [EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF VASCULAR AND ENDOVASCULAR SURGERY] - 2018-01-01
    4. [SCI] Incidence, prevalence, mortality and causes of death in Takayasu Arteritis in Korea - A nationwide, population- based study [INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY] - 2017-05-15
    5. [SCIE] Role of surgical treatment for peripheral arterial disease in endovascular era [Journal of the Korean Surgical Society] - 2013-05-28